Title |
Author/s |
Igor Tomovski, Igor Trpevski, Ljupčo Kocarev |
Citation |
I. Tomovski, I. Trpevski and Lj. Kocarev, "TOPOLOGY INDEPENDENT SIRS PROCESS", Contributions, Sec. Math. Tech. Sci., MASA, ISSN 0351–3246, Vol. 33, no.1-2, 2012, pp.7-22. |
Abstract |
Following our recent work on the topology
independent SIS spreading model [25, 26], in this article we analyze
a SIRS type of a spreading processes, taking place on complex
networks characterized by a special form of contact dynamics,
for which we use the term "acquisition exclusivity". We
show that, identically as for the SIS type process, for the studied
set-up, in circumstances where statistical independence of joint
events may be assumed, analytical solution for the probabilities
that each node is in a certain status in stationary regime may be
found. Furthermore, the obtained results indicate that the SIRS
process, under the analyzed circumstances is topology independent.
Keywords |
complex networks; SIRS process; nonlinear systems |