На 21 септември 2017 година Истражувачкиот центар за компјутерски науки и информатички технологии при Македонската академија на науките и уметностите организираше предавање на тема: „ЈАЗИЦИ, ИНТЕРНАЦИОНАЛНИ ИНСТИТУЦИИ И БОРБА ЗА МОЌ ВО ПОВОЕНА ЕВРОПА (LANGUAGES, INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND POWER EXERCISE IN POSTWAR EUROPE)“ од д-р Зорана Соколовска од Универзитет во Fribourg, Швајцарија.
Dr. Zorana Sokolovska is a research and teaching fellow at the Institute of Multilingualism, University of Fribourg (Switzerland). Her PhD dissertation (University of Strasbourg / University of Fribourg, 2016) traces a discursive genealogy of the language debates at the Council of Europe between 1949 and 2008. The outputs of her research have appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as Language and Communication, Language Policy, Synérgies and Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée. Her recent publications include “Discourses of Diversity” (co-edited special issue of Language and Communication, 2016) and “Languages and Refugees” (co-edited issue of Babylonia, 2017). Her discourse analytic and ethnographic research deals with the intersection of language and (inter)nationalism and focuses on the links between languages, institutions and power.
За повеќе информации: http://www.institut-mehrsprachigkeit.ch/en/staff/zorana-sokolovska
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