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AIESEE National Committee of the Republic of North Macedonia 

                                                                                                                    XIIIth Congress of South-East European Studies 

We would like to inform you that the XIIIth  AIESEE Congress of South-East European Studies on the topic: “Communication and Exchange: South-Eastern Europe within Global Social, Political and Cultural Processes” will be held in Skopje, from 15 to 19 September 2025, in the premises of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The official working languages of the 13th AIESEE Congress are English and French.

Members and associates of the national AIESEE committees are kindly invited to participate in the congress. In addition, other researchers interested in the proposed topic, and young researchers and PhD students are also invited.

Please, send the titles and abstracts of your contributions to the following address congress2023aiesee@manu.edu.mk by 1 November 2024. Please indicate the session of the congress in which you wish to participate. The organizers will notify you whether your proposal has been accepted not later than 31 December 2024.

All previous applications that were received in reference to the initially planned Congress in 2024 will be taken into consideration and all the applicants will be informed about their acceptance no later than 31 December 2024.


Below you will find the 20 sessions of the congress and some additional information about the congress registration. 


XIIIth Congress of South-East European Studies


Communication and Exchange:

South-Eastern Europe within Global Social, Political and Cultural Processes

Skopje, 15-19 September 2025



1.       Cultural exchange from the antiquity and middle ages up to modern times

2.       Transport communications through the history

3.       Economic relations and trade exchange

4.       Science and knowledge exchange in the South-Eastern Europe

5.       Role of emigrants in establishing social, political and cultural links

6.       Intelligentsia and academic elite in/from South-Eastern Europe

7.       Literary and translation production in the transfer of knowledge and ideas

8.       Linguistic interferences in/with South-Eastern Europe

9.       Exchange of ideas between national movements in the South-Eastern Europe and beyond

10.   Identity in South-Eastern Europe in historical retrospective

11.   Concepts of violence in the social, political and cultural processes

12.   Ways and methods of knowledge distribution

13.   Interactions and contradictions between science and religions

14.   Scientific exchange and institutional building in South-Eastern Europe

15.   Communication and exchange through visualisation: archives, museums, photography, cinematography, print in South-Eastern Europe

16.   Historiography and memory in the social and cultural processes of South-Eastern Europe

17.   Knowledge transfer through traveling: the role of voyagers, ambassadors and missionaries in global communication

18.   Role of women in the cultural and academic processes in South-Eastern Europe

19.   Diaspora communities in/from South-Eastern Europe

20.   Religious networks – historical discourse 


Registration fee


The amount of the registration fee is 80 EUR.

PhD students providing supporting documents have a special fee rate of 40 EUR.


The registration fee is to be settled by 1 May 2025.  

All other information related to the congress as well as the registration fees payment details will be additionally provided. 

For additional information you can contact Mr. Goce Aleksoski from the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, on email: goce@manu.edu.mk.